Set up a LuckyBlock
Explanation of the configuration of a LuckyBlock
Values you can enter:
Material name for Minecraft 1.13+
Item Id for Minecraft 1.8+
For the updated list of materials, you can click HERE!
For the list of ids + data 1.8+, click HERE!
This option is OPTIONAL if you are using spigot 1.13+
For the updated particle list, click HERE!
Values you can enter:
Name of the reward located on rewards.yml
Legend of values:
BOOLEAN = true / false
PERMISSION = LuckyBlock permission (es. luckyblock.exampleVip)
TEXT = Text it will send if you don't have permission
TICKS = 20 ticks > 1 second (es. 100 ticks equals 5 seconds)
Insert situation prefix into config.yml
If you deactivate the requested permission, you can ignore everything under "enabled"
Deny Pickup
Legend of values:
BOOLEAN = true / false
This option does not allow the block to be dropped once it is broken.
Deny Absorb
Legend of values:
BOOLEAN = true / false
This option does not allow in case, if you had put a sponge as "Material", to be absorbed by the water.
This option only supports spigot 1.13+!
Blocked Worlds
Legend of values:
VALUE = Here you have to enter the type of prohibition, you can enter only one of these 2 values: BLACKLIST, WHITELIST
TEXT = Here you have to enter the name of the world you want to blacklist / whitelist
Blocked Regions
Legend of values:
VALUE = Here you have to enter the type of prohibition, you can enter only one of these 2 values: BLACKLIST, WHITELIST
TEXT = Here you have to enter the name of the region you want to blacklist / whitelist
To use this option, you need to activate "WorldGuard" on Hooks! In the config.yml
Last updated