Create a LuckyBlock

How to make a LuckyBlock

Go to luckyblocks.yml, copy exampleNormal or exampleVip (they are 2 example luckyblocks), and paste it below, changing its name, for example from "exampleNormal" to -> "LuckyNormal".

You can also directly rename the 2 example luckyblocks, and modify them to your liking.

  # Material ids 1.8+ are supported.
  # Example if you have a 1.8+ server:
  # material: 19
  # while for a 1.13+ server it must be without id:
  # material: SPONGE
  # ------ NEW ------
  # New types of materials have been added that you can use for your luckyblock!
  # The new types of materials are:
  # - material: player-<playerName> | (Tip. You can also use placeholders, if you have enabled PlaceholderAPI in the config.
  #                                    Example of placeholder that you could put in it, material: player-%player_name%)
  # - material: base64-<value> | (Tip. To use this material (custom head), you must enter the value of a texture.
  #                               You can get these values from
  #                               Example to use this material, material: base64-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNmNmYjRlYmMzYmE0ZmVjMDRkODk3OGExNjYwYmI3Yzk4ZTk2MzQyZmYyYTIzOGFkYTlkZjJmNzRiZjAzMmI0MCJ9fX0=)
  # ------ NEW ------
  material: SPONGE
  # Ignore "data" if you have server version 1.13+
  data: 0

  # "instant_break" allows you to break a luckyblock with just one click!
  instant_break: false
  # Unique blocks, allow you to make your luckyblock unique!
  # And get it just by running the command /lb give <player> <lucky> [amount]
    enabled: false
    displayName: '&dLuckyBlock Normal'
    lore: '&5&l┃ &7Place and open me!'

  # Here you will need to enter the name of the rewards you want the luckyblock to give.
  # The name of the rewards, you get it from the file "rewards.yml"
  rewards: exampleNormal

  # Example if you want to put a permission:
  # permission_required:
  #   enabled: true
  #   permission: luckyblock.example
  #   modules:
  #     chat: true
  #     title: true
  #     action: true
  #   chat: '%prefix%You can''t break this luckyblock!'
  #   title:
  #     title: '&c&lYOU ARE NOT ALLOWED!'
  #     subtitle: '&4&l┃ &cYou can''t break this LuckyBlock!'
  #     fade-in: 20
  #     stay: 40
  #     fade-out: 20
  #   action: '%prefix%You can''t break this luckyblock!'
    enabled: false

    # - deny_pickup: Remove the luckyblock drop as soon as you destroy it.
    # - deny_absorb: If you put a sponge as a material, it will not be absorbed by the water,
    #                This option ONLY supports 1.13+.
    deny_pickup: true
    deny_absorb: true
      type: BLACKLIST
        - blworld1
    # Support for regions only works if
    # Only "Hooks > WorldGuard" is active!
    # ATTENTION! Only WorldGuard version 7+ is supported
      type: BLACKLIST
        - blworld1
      - 'SURVIVAL'

Last updated