āš ļøWarnings

Here you can set the warnings that will be broadcast to those who have permission.

From here you can set the warning that will be sent to the console.

# ------------------
# Warnings Settings

  # In this field you can decide whether to activate the logs also via the console.
  log_console: true

From here you can set the format of the message that will be sent in broadcast.

  # This message will be sent to those with permission: bettersecurity.broadcast.warnings
  # < ? > You can find more information about the executors in the header.
  # ATTENTION! Do not use the "@" in front for the broadcast, there is already the automatic one via the above permission.
      # You can use the following placeholders:
      # - %command% | (The command that was blocked)
        - '[MESSAGE] &e&lāš  ā”ƒ &b%player% &7attempted to execute the command: &c%command%'
      console: '%player% attempted to execute the command: %command%'
      # You can use the following placeholders:
      # - %port% | (Port where it is trying to login)
      # - %ip% | (IP where you are trying to login)
        - '[MESSAGE] &e&lāš  ā”ƒ &b%player% &7tried to enter via port &a%port%&7 with the IP: &c%ip%'
      console: '%player% tried to enter via port %port% with the IP: %ip%'

Last updated