⌨️Commands Only Console

It blocks commands, and allows them to be executed only through the console.

You can decide whether or not to enable this features.

# ------------------
# Commands Only Console Settings

  enabled: true

If it is active, it will broadcast the violation report when it is triggered.

# ------------------
# Commands Only Console Settings

  enabled: true

  # If it is on "true" the execution attempt warning will be sent to chat.
  warning: true

Use enforcers to send the punishment to the player. For more information click HERE.

  # This message will be shown as soon as the command is blocked.
  # < ? > You can find more information about the executors in the header.
    - '[MESSAGE] %prefix%&cYou cannot execute this command!'

This is the list of commands that can only be executed from the console.

  # List of commands that can only be executed from the console.
    - 'op'
    - 'minecraft:op'
    - 'deop'
    - 'minecraft:deop'
    - 'reload'
    - 'minecraft:reload'
    - 'rl'
    - 'minecraft:rl'
    - 'execute'
    - 'minecraft:execute'

Last updated