✏️Block Tab Complete

Here you can set the complete tab block, type / + [TAB], and set custom commands.

You can decide whether or not to enable this features.

# ------------------
# Block Tab Complete Settings

  # --------- < ⚠ > ---------
  # If your server version is 1.8.x-1.12.x, you need to enable ProtocolLib to use this feature.

  # < ? > Does your server have version 1.13+? So if you reload the plugin,
  # you will have to join the server again to see the changes.
  enabled: true

If the server where the plugin is present is 1.8.x-1.12.x, the use of ProtocolLib is mandatory. If it's already there, make sure it's active among the hooks too. For more information click HERE.

Here you can decide which commands will block while the player will try to do / + [TAB]

  # Prevents tabbing of these commands, so as not to conflict with other plugins.
    - 'pl'
    - 'plugins'
    - 'ver'
    - 'version'
    - 'about'
    - '?'
    - 'help'
    - 'bukkit:pl'
    - 'bukkit:plugins'
    - 'bukkit:ver'
    - 'bukkit:version'
    - 'bukkit:about'
    - 'bukkit:?'
    - 'bukkit:help'
    - 'minecraft:?'
    - 'minecraft:help'

Here you can decide whether to bypass the complete tab by permission, or by a player's name or uuid.

    # Here you can enter what kind of bypass you prefer
    # to be able to perform the complete tab:
    # - PERMISSION | (Bypass via permission: bettersecurity.bypass.antitab)
    # - PLAYERS | (Bypass by player name and uuid. Permission excluded)
    method: 'PERMISSION'
    # Tip. You can put both the player's name and his UUID.
      - 'playerName1'
      - '8667ba71-b85a-4004-af54-457a9734eed7'

You can choose between:

  • If you have set PERMISSION, the complete tab can be bypassed with the permission: bettersecurity.bypass.antitab


In this list you can put the name of a player, or his UUID to bypass the complete tab.

This list will only work if PLAYERS is set to "method".

This allows you to enter custom commands in the complete tab.


    enabled: true

    # This is the global list of tab commands that will be whitelisted.
    # To disable global commands, just put "global: []".
      - 'spawn'
      - 'tell'
      - 'msg'
      - 'w'
      - 'whisper'
      - 't'
      - 'r'
      - 'reply'

    # Here you can request requirements to be able to show whitelisted commands.
    # (Can be very useful for not showing staff commands to players)

      enabled: false

      # Here you can add all the various groups to be able to whitelist commands by permission.
        # This is the first example group.
          # Here you will need to enter the required permission.
          permission: 'bettersecurity.tab.helper'
          # While here you will have to put the list of commands that will have to be shown.
            - 'tempban'
            - 'tempmute'
            - 'unban'
            - 'pardon'
            - 'kick'
            - 'unmute'
            - 'warn'
            - 'warnings'
            - 'history'
            - 'dupeip'
            - 'ss'
            - 'freeze'
            - 'unfreeze'
          permission: 'bettersecurity.tab.admin'
            - 'fly'
            - 'gamemode'
            - 'gm'
            - 'god'
            - 'mute'
            - 'ban'
            - 'ipban'
            - 'ipmute'
            - 'clearchat'

You can decide whether or not to enable this features.

This is the global list of commands that will be set in the complete tab, you can disable it by putting "global: []".

With this you can set commands in the complete tab via permissions.

Last updated